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In the HIVE, we aim to highlight and investigate students' values, expectancies, engagement, and emotions.

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Current Projects

Motivational Interventions

We are developing motivational interventions​ aimed at increasing students' interest and decreasing their negative motivational beliefs in STEM courses.


Current projects:

- Developing and implementing a weekly utility-value intervention in introductory chemistry and physics courses

- Developing and implementing a weekly self-regulation intervention in introductory calculus courses

Motivation Development and Career Changes

We are examining how students' motivation develops and fluctuates across a single semester in introductory STEM courses. We also examine how motivation impacts career changes.


Current projects:

- Examining social and contextual factors that impact students' career motivation in introductory physics courses

- Exploring motivational beliefs fluctuate across a semester of introductory statistics courses and what causes those fluctuations

Interested in Joining the Lab?

Graduate students interested in the Psychology Ph.D. program at the University of Cincinnati, please reach out for more information.


Undergraduate students gain experience in research methods and design through coding data, reading articles, and interpreting data while learning about motivation and education research. If you are interested in working in the lab, please reach out for more information.

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